Description: For years tom jackson had wanted to experience the power of one of the world's great strongwomen - rachel mathias - a female built of granite from head to toe, officially crowned the world's strongest female for her weight (132 at the time), with a bench of 308 lbs. and a squat of almost 400! in this tape rachel engages the weaker male literally as her workout device, lifting him as if he were a toy, power squatting him effortlessly for reps, crushing his head into her brick-hard chest and otherwise rendering him helpless. "when a 140 lb. woman can pin both of my arms down with one of hers, you don't feel like much of a man", said tom. and when your legs feel like they are going to snap in her grapevine, you feel nothing except great pain! check out the guy's face when she's done with her leg "exercises". looks like he's had a run in with a stone wall