Tags: driving, riding in car, boot fetish pedal pumping, flooring, braking, big brake pedal, big gas pedal, boots, ankle boots, high heel boots, combat boots, laced boots, leather boots, pedal pumping, video game, d va, high heel, high hee, high heeled, dp, simulated pedal pumping, long, drive, lima, high, heel, combat, mp4, 720p, clip, static, pedal, view, game, simulated, pumping, video, run, 17, minutes, story, modded, crown, working, pedals, city, streets, open, feet
Description: (driving in this clip. contains 1 static pedal view and 1 in-game view. contains simulated pedal pumping in a video game. run time 17 minutes and 39 seconds.) story: i'm in an okay modded crown vic working the pedals in my blocky high heeled combat boots. i drive on city streets and vast open highways enjoying the scenery as it passes by.