Tags: ass, sexy lingerie, bondage slave, intense orgasms, valentine's day, my boobs, intense orgasm, cum, like, the, slave, you, are, daddy, s, little, valentine, bondage, wanted, to, an, day, he, dressed, me, up, in, sexy, lingerie, cute, socks, and, put, a, full, body, cage, then, used, my, holes, his, giving, so, many, intense, orgasms, by, on, boobs, it, was, best, classic bondage
Description: Daddy's little Valentine bondage slave: Daddy wanted to have an early Valentine's Day. He dressed me up in sexy lingerie, some cute socks and put me in a full Karada body cage. Then he used my holes to his satisfaction, giving me so many intense orgasms and rewarding me by finishing on my boobs. It was the best Valentine's Day ever!